The Inlay, Onlay, Overlay Fillings

What are Inlay, Onlay, and Overlay Fillings?

Inlay, onlay, and overlay fillings are types of dental restorations used to repair damaged or decayed teeth. They are custom-made restorations that are created in a dental laboratory and then bonded to the affected teeth. Inlays are used when the damage or decay is within the cusps of the tooth, onlays are used when the damage extends to one or more cusps, and overlays are used when the damage is more extensive and covers the entire biting surface of the tooth.

What are the benefits of Inlay, Onlay, and Overlay Fillings?

Inlay, onlay, and overlay fillings offer several benefits. They provide a strong and durable restoration that can withstand the forces of chewing and biting. These fillings can effectively restore the natural appearance and function of the affected teeth, blending seamlessly with the surrounding teeth. In addition, they require less removal of the natural tooth structure compared to traditional dental crowns, making them a conservative and more conservative treatment option.

How are Inlay, Onlay, and Overlay Fillings placed?

The placement of inlay, onlay, and overlay fillings typically requires two dental visits. During the first visit, the dentist will prepare the affected tooth by removing any decay or damage. Impressions of the tooth will be taken and sent to a dental laboratory, where the custom restoration will be fabricated. A temporary filling may be placed to protect the tooth until the final restoration is ready. During the second visit, the temporary filling is removed, and the custom-made inlay, onlay, or overlay is bonded to the tooth using dental adhesive.

How long do Inlay, Onlay, and Overlay Fillings last?

The longevity of inlay, onlay, and overlay fillings can vary depending on various factors, such as oral hygiene practices, diet, and the location of the restoration. On average, these types of fillings can last between 10 to 30 years or even longer with proper care. It is important to maintain good oral hygiene, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, to ensure the longevity of the fillings.

Restore Your Smile with Inlay, Onlay, and Overlay Fillings

If you have damaged or decayed teeth, inlay, onlay, and overlay fillings can provide a durable and aesthetically pleasing solution. Our experienced dental team specializes in these types of restorations, offering customized treatments to meet your unique needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and restore the health and beauty of your smile.

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