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A goal without a plan is just a wish.
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About us

Medical Supervision that Only a Clinic Can Provide

Welcome to obesity consultations department where we specialize in designing meticulous treatment plans and personalized solutions to address the challenges of obesity.

Our dedicated team of experts offers a unique blend of medical supervision and compassionate care, ensuring that your wellness journey is tailored to your individual needs.

Booking a visit

Consultancy's information

With partnerships spanning 27 hospitals and 34 clinics, we offer the most comprehensive consultancy service in the region.

Get your BMI

BMI Calculator

Your treatment options depend on how much you weigh. You can calculate your BMI using this simple tool:

Your BMI is: __
18.5 - 24.9 HEALTHY
25 - 29.9 OVERWEIGHT

We recommend you speak to your doctor if your BMI is above 25.

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Clients Success

Check out these unexpected weight-loss lessons from people who have been battling their weight for decades.

Life & Health
Diana Wolkers

Let’s just say I know where to go when I’m taking my health and weight seriously. I’ve had wonderful result. You must be serious with yourself about your weight loss.

Life & Health
Mark Brewer

Mark enjoyed comfort food during family celebrations. Soon, he was eating comfort and fast foods all the time, especially when he was stressed. At 5 feet...

Life & Health
Greta Roberts

It doesn’t sound like much, but it is a big deal to me! I’m on my way and feeling healthier, more energetic and happier than I’ve been in a long time.

Life & Health
Natalie Wood

Losing weight, working out, and eating healthy has been a complete life style change for me. I haven’t met all of my goals just yet, but I’m on my way for sure.

Why us?

Weight Loss is Not
Just about the
Calories and Exercise

Our approach allows to identify the underlying causes that are acting as obstacles which must be addressed before weight loss can be achieved. This approach not only allows you to lose unwanted weight but more importantly allows you to achieve overall health.

  • Access to the latest drugs and treatment methods
  • To Achieve sustainable and meaningful transformations
  • Personalized and tailored treatment plans designed for your unique needs

Free 15 Min Consultation

Use the form to book your FREE 15 min telephone consultation.

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